Model DeLone and McLean (2003), Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), Model Davis (1989), Model Igbaria et al., (1997)Abstract
In information systems research DeLone and McLean (1992, 2003) is a model that can be used as a reference tool in measuring the success of information systems. This model is considered to represent each dimension measurement of the success of information systems applications. This study refers to and modifies the model of success DeLone and McLean (2003) to measure the success of the application of KMS through employee performance variables. In this study researchers included several factors that are taken from the model of DeLone and McLean (2003), models of Davis (1989) as well as models of Igbaria et al., (1997).
Dalam penelitian sistem informasi DeLone dan McLean (1992, 2003) merupakan model yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alat acuan dalam mengukur keberhasilan sistem informasi. Model ini dianggap mewakili setiap dimensi pengukuran keberhasilan aplikasi sistem informasi. Penelitian ini mengacu dan memodifikasi model kesuksesan DeLone dan McLean (2003) untuk mengukur keberhasilan penerapan KMS melalui variabel kinerja karyawan. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti memasukkan beberapa faktor yang diambil dari model DeLone dan McLean (2003), model Davis (1989) serta model Igbaria et al., (1997)
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