Employee, performance, environment, WorkAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the work
environment on employee performance at the Kota Agung sub-district
office. The type of research used is comparative causal . Respondents
who resulted from the survey amounted to 37 respondents. The data
collection technique is done by survey online via google form, using 3
scales namely Work Environment (X1), Work Attitude (X2), and
performance (Y). The data analysis method for testing the hypothesis
uses a simple linear regression method with significant data results,
which means that the work environment in the sub-district office of
Kota Agung has an effect on employee performance. Based on the
results of research that aims to determine the effect of the work
environment on employee performance in the district office grand city
. It can be seen from the significant value in the data above in the form
of 0.000 <0.05 tends to be lower than the significant level which is 0.24.
It can be concluded that the work environment variable affects the
performance of employees at the Kota Agung sub-district office or can
be called correlated and thus H0 is rejected or in other words there is
an effect. Square Bearing R square is 0.197 which implies that the work
environment variable has an independent effect on employee
performance variables by 20.4 percent .
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Copyright (c) 2023 Putri Andriyani Simanjuntak, Rahma Dewi, Fadhil Fadhlur Rohman, Fahirah Mayangsari, Muhammad Haudhi Al-Azzah

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