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- Struktur Pengurus CV. Doki Course and Training
Rumah Jurnal CV. Doki Course and Training adalah Unit yang ada di bawah koordinasi dari CV. Doki Course and Training. Rumah Jurnal CV. Doki Course and Training sebagai Publisher Jurnal yang mengedepankan proses kaidah ilmiah dan profesionalitas dalam pengelolaan Jurnal ilmiah Terakreditasi.
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Beberapa Perguruan Tinggi dan Lembaga / Instansi yang menjadi Mitra Kerjasama dari CV. Doki Course and Training dalam Pengelolaan Manajemen Tata Kelola dan Manajemen Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah:
1. Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI)
2. Asosasi Pengelola Jurnal Indonesia (APJI)
3. Universitas Baturaja
4. CV. Era Digital Nusantara
5. Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (APPISI)
6. Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia (APPIHI)
7. Asosiasi Ilmu Hadis Indonesia (ASILHA)
8. Komite Daerah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah (KDEKS) Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
9. Asosiasi Riset Ekonomi dan Akuntansi Indonesia (AREAI)
10. Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan
11. Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Al Furqon Prabumulih
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Direktur CV. Doki Course and Training
Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, Konsultan, Penerbitan Buku & Jurnal
Website : http://dokicti.org/
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Journal title Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Initials JIPBS ISSN Online 2985-8070 ISSN Print 2986-7762 Frequency 4 issues per year DOI 10.61994/jipbs Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) and Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (Document MoU) Subject Areas Islamic Psychology, Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Indexing Sites Google Scholar|Garuda|Dimensions|Moraref|Crossref Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) and Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (Document MoU). The papers to be published in JIPBS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Islamic Psychology, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. It covers problems in psychological studies such as educational psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, Islamic psychology, psychometrics and psychological measurement, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, family psychology. It is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2986-7762 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2985-8070.
Journal of Sharia and Legal Science
Journal title Journal of Sharia and Legal Science Initials JSLS ISSN Online 2987-601X ISSN Print 2988-7119 Frequency 3 issues per year (April, August, December) DOI 10.61994/jsls Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia (Document MoU) Subject Areas Sharia and Law Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions | Garuda | Crossref Journal of Sharia and Legal Science is a scientific journal published by CV. Doki Course and Training. The papers to be published in JSLS are research articles in the field of sharia and law. The scope of these publications may include: Islamic criminal law, criminal law, Islamic family law, family law, Islamic economic law, business law, civil law, Islamic constitutional law, constitutional law, international law, environmental law, agrarian law, law state administration, customary law, human rights. It is published three times a year, in April, August and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2988-7119 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2987-601X.
Al-Shamela : Journal of Quranic and Hadith Studies
Journal title Al-Shamela : Journal of Quranic and Hadith Studies Initials ALSHAMELA ISSN Online 2987-260X ISSN Print 2988-439X Frequency 2 issues per year DOI 10.61994/alshamela Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) and (ASILHA) Asosiasi Ilmu Hadis Indonesia (Document MOU) Subject Areas Ulumul Qur'an, Tafsir Interdisipliner, Living Qur'an, Tafsir Nusantara, Hadith sciences, Living Hadith, Syarah Hadith (Interpretation of Hadith) Citation Analysis Garuda | Google Scholar | Moraref | Dimensions | Crossref Al-Shamela : Journal of Quranic and Hadith Studies is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) and (ASILHA) Asosiasi Ilmu Hadis Indonesia (Document MOU). The papers to be published in Al-Shamela are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Quranic and Hadith Studies. It is published two times a year, in April and October. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2988-439X and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2987-260X
Journal of Economics and Business
Journal title Journal of Economics and Business Initials ECONIS ISSN Online 2988-4411 ISSN Print 2988-3156 Frequency 2 issues per year (Juny, December) DOI 10.61994/econis Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Al Furqon Prabumulih (Document MoU), Komite Daerah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah (KDEKS) Provinsi Sumatera Selatan (Document MoU) Subject Areas Economic, Finance, Business Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions | Crossref Journal Of Economics and Business is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Al Furqon Prabumulih (Document MoU), Komite Daerah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah (KDEKS) Provinsi Sumatera Selatan (Document MoU). The papers to be published in ECONIS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Economics, Finance and Business. It covers problems in Economics and Business studies such as theoretical and applied research with an emphasis on topics in Economics, corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, Economic Syariah and investments. Research in real estate, insurance, and consumer finance is also welcome. It is published two times a year, in Juny and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2988-3156 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2988-4411
Journal of Psychology and Social Sciences
Journal title Journal of Psychology and Social Sciences Initials JPSS ISSN Online 2987-2545 ISSN Print 2987-8551 Frequency 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December) DOI 10.61994/jpss Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) with Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (Document MOU) Subject Areas Psychology Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimension | Crossref Journal of Psychology and Social Sciences is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) with Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (Document MOU). The papers to be published in JPSS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Psychology. It covers problems in psychological studies such as educational psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, Islamic psychology, psychometrics and psychological measurement, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, family psychology. It is published four times a year, in March, Juny, September and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2987-8551 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2987-2545
Journal of English Education
Journal title Journal of English Education Initials JEE ISSN Online 2988-6511 ISSN Print 3024-9902 Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December) DOI 10.61994/jee Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Asosiasi Periset Bahasa Sastra Indonesia (ASPIRASI) (Document MoU) Editor-in-chief Darmawan Budiyanto Subject Areas English Education Citation Analysis Garuda | Google Scholar | Dimensions | Crossref Journal of English Education is a scientific journal published by CV. Doki Course and Training. The papers to be published in JEE are research articles (Qualitative, Quantitative and Mix Method Approach), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of English Education. It covers problems in English education such as English Language Pedagogy, English language Literacy, English for Specific Purposes, ELT Materials Development and Evaluation, English Language Testing and Assessment, Teaching English to Young Learners, English Literature, Language Policy and Planning, and Second Language Acquisition. It is published twice a year, in June and December. There are two versions of publication; printout (p) with ISSN: 3024-9902 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2988-6511.
Equivalent : Journal of Economic, Accounting and Management
Journal title Equivalent : Journal of Economic, Accounting and Management Initials Equivalent ISSN Online 2985-8089 ISSN Print 2986-8777 Frequency 2 issues per year DOI 10.61994/equivalent by Contact Person WA Admin 1 | WA Admin 2 Subject Areas Economic, Accounting, Management Indexing Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimension | Crossref | Copernicus Equivalent : Journal Of Economic, Accounting and Management is a scientific journal published by CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) colloboration with Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Al Furqon Prabumulih (Document MoU) and Asosiasi Riset Ekonomi dan Akuntansi Indonesia (AREAI) (Document MoU).
The papers to be published in Equivalent are research articles in the field of Economic, Accounting and Management. The scope of these publications may include: Economics, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Banking, Taxation, Capital Market, Auditing, Financial Management, Human Resouce Management, Marketing Management, Organizational Behaviour, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, E-Business and Sharia Economic. It is published two times a year, iin issue January and July with method INPRES. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2986-8777 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2985-8089.
Journal of Communication and Social Sciences
Journal title Journal of Communication and Social Sciences Initials JCSS ISSN Online 2988-4950 ISSN Print 3024-8728 Frequency 2 issues per year (June, December) DOI 10.61994/jcss Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) Subject Areas Communication Sciences, Social Sciences Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions | Crossref | Garuda Journal of Communication and Social Sciences is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU). The papers to be published in JCSS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Communication and Social Sciences. It covers problems in Communication Sciences and Social Sciences such as communication studies, Da'wa / Islamic preaching, organizational communication, study of psychology and social culture, media studies, public relations. It is published four times a year, in June and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 3024-8728 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2988-4950
Educate : Journal of Education and Learning
Journal title Educate : Journal of Education and Learning Initials Educate ISSN Online 2988-4039 ISSN Print 2988-5752 Frequency 2 issues per year (June, December) DOI 10.61994/educate Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) Subject Areas Education and Learning Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions | Crossref | Garuda Educate : Journal of Education and Learning is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU). The papers to be published in Educate are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of learning and learning outcomes, and concepts in the context of education. It covers problems in instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, educational policy, language education and policy, bilingual education, multicultural education, art education, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments, educational psychology, Islamic Education, Educators and Students, Learning methods, Curriculum, Politics of Education, Educational Philosophy, History of Islamic Education, and international education in Indonesia and other parts of the world. It is published two times a year, in June and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2988-5752 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2988-4039
Taqrib : Journal of Islamic Studies and Education
Journal title Taqrib : Journal of Islamic Studies and Education Initials Taqrib ISSN Online 2988-4497 ISSN Print 2988-4160 Frequency 2 issues per year (June, December) DOI 10.61994/taqrib Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) Subject Areas Islamic Studies, Islamic Education Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimensions | Crossref | Garuda Taqrib : Journal Of Islamic Studies And Education is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU). Papers to be published in Taqrib: Journal Of Islamic Studies And Education are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to be able to contribute to the focus of scientific progress in formal and non-formal education in Islamic schools, madrasas, Islamic boarding schools and education Islam in tertiary institutions and Islamic Studies provides scientific articles on Islamic studies which are developed through the publication of articles, research reports and book reviews. It is published two times a year, in June and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: 2988-4160 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2988-4497
Bersama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Nama Jurnal Bersama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inisial Bersama ISSN Online 3032-5889 Contact Person WA Admin 1 | WA Admin 2 Frekuensi Terbit 2 issues per year (June, December) DOI 10.61994 Bidang Ilmu Semua kategori Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sitasi Google Scholar | Dimension |Garuda Bersama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) bekerjasama dengan Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Al Furqon Prabumulih (Document MoU). Jurnal ini berisi berbagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berasal dari penerapan berbagai bidang ilmu diantaranya akuntansi, manajemen, ekonomi, pendidikan, teknik, pertanian, komputer, sosial humaniora dan agama. Terbit setiap bulan dalam dua edisi setahun yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember dengan ISSN Online: 3032-5889
Perpendicular : Journal of Mathematics Education and Learning
Journal title Perpendicular : Journal of Mathematics Education and Learning Initials Perpendicular ISSN Online XXXX-XXXX ISSN Print XXXX-XXXX Frequency 2 issues per year (June, December) DOI 10.61994/perpendicular Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Al Furqon Prabumulih (Document MoU) Subject Areas Mathematics Citation Analysis Google Scholar Perpendicular : Journal of Mathematics Education and Learning is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Al Furqon Prabumulih (Document MoU). The papers to be published in Perpendicular are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Mathematics Education and Learning. It covers problems in Analysis, Algebra, Teaching and learning, Instruction and curriculum, Teacher education, Education technology, School effectiveness, Learner characteristics, Inclusive education, Geometry, Statistics, Applied mathematics. It is published two times a year, in June and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: and electronic (e) with ISSN Online:
Jurnal Aksi Dosen dan Mahasiswa
Nama Jurnal Jurnal Aksi Dosen dan Mahasiswa Inisial JADMAS ISSN Online 3047-8464 ISSN Print On Process Frekuensi Terbit 2 issues per year (June, December) DOI 10.61994/jadmas Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) Bidang Ilmu Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sitasi Google Scholar Jurnal Aksi Dosen dan Mahasiswa is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU). Published articles are scientific disciplines adopted in various community service activities and other applied research.
Jurnal Aksi Dosen dan Mahasiswa accepts article manuscripts in the field of applied research and results of community-based quantitative and qualitative scientific research into community service formats covering the scientific fields of Education, Social, Psychology, Law, Management, Economics, Accounting, Engineering, Religion, Language, Engineering, Religious Studies.
Published twice a year, in June, December. There are two versions of the publication; print out (p) with ISSN: Process and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 3047-8464
Journal of Health and Medical Science
Journal title Journal of Health and Medical Science Initials JHMS ISSN Online XXXX-XXXX ISSN Print XXXX-XXXX Frequency 2 issues per year DOI 10.61994/jhms Publisher CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) Subject Areas Health, Medical Indexing Sites Google Scholar| Journal of Health and Medical Science is a scientific journal published by CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality). The papers to be published in JHMS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of health and medical. It covers problems in all medical and health studies. including studies in Medicine, Health, Pharmacy, Midwifery, Public Health and Nursing. It is published two times a year, in June and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: and electronic (e) with ISSN Online:
Journal of Law and Legal System
Journal title Journal of Law and Legal System Initials JLLS ISSN Online On Process ISSN Print On Process Frequency 2 issues per year DOI 10.61994/jlls Publisher CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) Subject Areas Law, Legal System, Politic Citation Analysis Google Scholar Journal of Law and Legal System is a scientific journal published by CV. Doki Course and Training. The papers to be published in JLLS are research articles in the field of law and legal system. The scope of these publications may include: criminal law, criminal law, family law, economic law, business law, civil law, constitutional law, constitutional law, international law, environmental law, agrarian law, law state administration, customary law, human rights, islamic law. It is published two times a year, in June and December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN: and electronic (e) with ISSN Online:
JUMPUTAN : Jurnal Multidisiplin Pengabdian Masyarakat
Journal title JUMPUTAN : Jurnal Multidisiplin Pengabdian Masyarakat Initials JUMPUTUAN ISSN Online On Process ISSN Print On Process Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December) DOI 10.61994/jpss Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) Subject Areas Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin Ilmu Citation Analysis Google Scholar JUMPUTAN : Jurnal Multidisiplin Pengabdian Masyarakat diterbitkan atas kerjasama antara CV. Doki Course and Training dengan Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal ilmiah yang menerbitkan artikel-artikel hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi penyebaran pengetahuan dan inovasi yang dihasilkan oleh para akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti dalam berbagai bidang ilmu untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Naskah ini terbit dua kali setahun, pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Naskah ini terbit dalam dua versi, yaitu versi cetak (p) dengan ISSN: dan versi elektronik (e) dengan ISSN Online:
KUTO : Jurnal Kajian Untuk Tindakan Optimal
Journal title KUTO : Jurnal Kajian Untuk Tindakan Optimal Initials KUTO ISSN Online On Process ISSN Print On Process Frequency 2 issues per year DOI 10.61994/kuto Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) Subject Areas Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Multidisiplin Ilmu Citation Analysis Google Scholar KUTO : Jurnal Kajian Untuk Tindakan Optimal diterbitkan atas kerjasama antara CV. Doki Course and Training dengan Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal ilmiah yang menerbitkan jurnal ilmiah yang menerbitkan artikel-artikel hasil penelitian Tindakan kelas dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi penyebaran pengetahuan dan inovasi yang dihasilkan oleh para akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti dalam berbagai bidang ilmu untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Naskah ini terbit dua kali setahun, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Naskah ini terbit dalam dua versi, yaitu versi cetak (p) dengan ISSN: dan versi elektronik (e) dengan ISSN Online: