About the Journal


Journal title Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Initials JIPBS
ISSN Online 2985-8070
ISSN Print 2986-7762
Frequency 4 issues per year
DOI 10.61994/jipbs
Publisher Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama  Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) and Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (Document MoU)
Subject Areas Islamic Psychology, Psychology, Behavioral Sciences
Indexing Sites Google Scholar|Garuda|Dimensions|Moraref|Crossref

Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences is a scientific journal published by Collaboration between CV. Doki Course and Training (Publisher Legality) with Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama  Sumatera Selatan (Document MOU) and Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (Document MoU). The papers to be published in JIPBS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Islamic Psychology, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. It covers problems in psychological studies such as educational psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, Islamic psychology, psychometrics and psychological measurement, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, family psychology. It is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN:  2986-7762 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2985-8070.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Has been published Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 3 No. 1 2025. There are 5 articles whose authors come from agencies/universities. Congratulations to all authors and thanks to the team of editors, layouter, proofreader, IT Support and reviewers involved in this issue.

Published: 22-02-2025


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